This Is What I Had Hoped For You

The first words I heard were from the medical student. He was new to the baby business, not new enough that he hadn’t seen the process before, but new enough that he hadn’t been told that  “Woah, that’s a big one!” was perhaps a little enthusiastic. He was right. You appeared to be about three months old when you were born. Shortly after this shot was taken you crawled out of the delivery ward and ordered a steak from the bar next door.

A little bit later in the day you had an introduction to what was in store. You were to realize that you were not an only child, that there were others and they were noisy. After the initial excitement of your arrival you were relegated to the corner. Everyone wanted to hop in the bed with Mum.

Can you see that your eyes are open? I have my suspicions on your thoughts at the time. Nobody puts baby in a corner. *you won’t know but that’s a Dirty Dancing reference*

It was chaos for the first few months. Daddy had to go away for a few weeks and a girlfriend came to stay. At one stage I ducked over to the neighbours, when I came back I found the second and third little travelers hanging from the garage door while the first little traveller pushed the button to make it go up and down. She was doing me a favour by providing some games. 

This is what I had hoped for you. I wanted chaos and narrow misses. I wanted fun and the camaraderie that comes with a big family. I wanted you to feel surrounded and engulfed by us. We were to be inescapable.

I’ve watched the others drag you across the floor. They’ve picked you up to carry you over the snow. They learnt to skate while pushing you in the stroller, you were their anchor keeping them upright. They’ve all taken you as show and tell in class, you’ve sat next to them while they’ve explained how things worked and what to do. And when you finally decided to learn how to ride a bike, it was them  cheering in the middle of the road while you weaved your way back to us.

Last night at dinner we talked about your birthday, and how it was your final night of being six. The second little traveller suddenly gasped with excitement as her idea made its way from her head to her mouth.

“Shall we have a sleep over, like now, all four of us in the playroom?” 

“Can we? Can we? Can we?” you pleaded.

And in one swift moment you all disappeared, a mass of hysteria amongst pillows and mattresses. You all talked over the top of each other while arrangements were made on who was to go where with whom. 

This is what I’d hoped for you.

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  1. what a sweet post! love the pic of you in the hospital.
    with 5 little ones at our house I wouldn’t have it any other way! it is just the best!
    happy birthday to your little guy – we have a 7 year old next weekend!!!!

  2. I love this, I have two daughters and would have liked more but it wasn’t to be. Enjoy your noisy, loving family x

  3. Hi Kirsty
    I love this – thank you for

  4. Wow, so much love right there. And noise. But love should be noisy, right? Most of the time!
    What a gorgeous family you have. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is lovely. I got teary and I don’t even have babies. You’ve got a gorgeous lot there.

  6. Kirsty how do you write. Gorgeous family and wish the fourth traveller a very happy birthday. I am in tears!

  7. Awwwwwwww… sweet.

  8. Ah, bless.

    And doctors can be a bit, well, blunt. When my daughter went for her 12 week scan, they pointed out the head, and the tummy, and then said, ‘Woops, and there’s another one.’ Is there no better way to break the news that someone is having twins?

  9. YOU are amazing! I am in happy tears after reading this! How you can move me a perfect stranger with your story of family and love. And noise! I love the noise! My babies are grown and two of them have babies of their own. I will be an ex-pat soon! In three weeks I am flying to join my husband in Guyana! I am so excited! I finally got my number one bucket list! Traveling to new places. I started my own little blog just for me and a few friends and family and wish I had half of your skill with words. You are so articulate! You intimidate me a bit with your genius and way with words. I can only hope to grow and develop and eventually acquire half the skills you have! Thanks so much for this gift of your wonderful stories!

  10. Aw, you left me in tears. We were four too growing up and I remember some of the most amazing experiences with my brothers and sister. Only two of us are left now-we lost the two younger ones before they found their fiftieth birthdays and the holes left in my heart seem like they will never close. Happy Birthday little one-you are blessed beyond words to be born into your clan of love.

  11. Oh how cute is this baby!???! And looks like you. 🙂

  12. So beautiful.
    I will always have a soft spot for your Fourth Little Traveller / Designer Extraordinaire.
    Happy Birthday little man!

  13. I LOVE those moments when they are little and all busy having fun with each other.

  14. Gorgeous post – happy tears here too! Happy Birthday Master 7!

  15. Happy 7th Birthday Henry Hotdog!! Hope you had a great day!!

  16. Oh Gosh this brings back memories!

  17. damn you woman, you very nearly had me in tears. Beautiful post

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