Midnight Negotiations

A fight broke out in my neighbourhood somewhere around 1.30 am this morning. It was over a woman. After some confusion, kicking and pushing, two boys were separated.

“Okay, you can both sleep next to me” the woman was heard to have said “I’ll lay in the middle, you can each have a side.”

“What about if I have her for one hour and then you can have her for one hour?” The eldest was tying to negotiate.

The woman rolled over and decided they could fight until death, she was too tired and it was only a few hours until she needed to be up to walk the beagle. The beagle (she would discover later) was downstairs enjoying a plate of Schnitzels it had recovered from the refrigerator. A small person had neglected to close the refrigerator door properly last night, this meant the beagle enjoyed a tub of butter, a plate of schnitzels and half a tub of yoghurt. Listening to all that arguing had obviously made the beagle hungry.

G gets home on Saturday, I will return to just the one 6ft 2 man in the bed, rather than the continual flow of foot traffic that is the norm while he’s away. One day they’ll stop coming, and I’ll be sad. In the meantime I’ll continue to walk around with a crook in my neck and the outline of a small foot print on my bum cheek.

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  1. Too funny x

  2. We now have a bed made up on the floor in our room (for the 13 year old) as there is just not enough room in the bed for the 3 of us when Dad is away – hope the beagle had a big walk after all those buttered yogurt schnitzels 😉

  3. Oh that reality! I spent just one night ‘sleeping’ with my grand-daughter (aged about 12 months) – how is it possible for such a small person to move about so much, to take up so much room?

  4. I remember vowing to change my son’s diet after one particularly malodorous night!

  5. Like G husband away for week – so far smoke alarm has gone off twice due to my laisser faire attitude to cooking and the good news is that foot traffic never stops – had to remonstrate with 18 yr old Drama Queen who arrived at 2pm to point out she couldn’t sleep and then proceeded to climb into bed, turn on light and read – had I had the energy I would have donned an airline sleep mask but even that was beyond me


  6. Oh I laughed so hard – why – because we also own a beagle …. so I totally understand.

  7. I love love love my sleep (when I get it) so we have a “who’s night in mummy’s bed” roster for when hubby is traveling…and a king size bed! – so it’s WIN WIN at my house when dad’s away. Cheers SM

  8. I admire you for being so calm bout the kitchen situation!

    SSG xxx

  9. When the 17 year old was 1 and her brother arrived, she moved out and he moved in.3 years later his little sister arrived-he moved out and she moved in. She is 12 now and though I have had no more children, there has been no-one putting a tiny foot imprint on her bum and shoving her out. Which I suppose,is why she’s still there, though don’t tell her school friends!

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