The Head Prefect

The Head Prefect in my final year of school appeared to be perfect. She had a soft sweet voice, she was very bright and it was impossible not to like her. She had one of those swept across Lady Diana fringes with a similar set of big blue eyes. You could imagine her comforting orphans.

She finished school with enviable grades and a place in Law School. I’m not sure of the details but I believe she married another Lawyer and they moved to a town where they had their own practice.

At our 10 year school re-union a few of us were standing around drinking and catching up, she was in the group. I asked what she’d been up to – and as she was chronologically going through the years she hesitated for a moment and said “it all sounds a bit boring – maybe I peaked in year 12?”

It was a joke and we all laughed but I couldn’t help but wonder if she was right.

I was naughty at school. I did the opposite of peak. I did as little as I possibly could to get by. When I stumbled out of the school gates, it wasn’t to university. I think the polite term for my twenties is a misspent youth.

I met a lot of people in those years, what I affectionally refer to as the “pub/club years” as that’s where I spent most of my time. I imagine if Facebook had been around, I would have been one of those people with 1500 friends and 3000 pictures of me with duck lips.

A shiver just ran down my spine.

Those were the years when my mother would stop me mid sentence as I told her about what I’d got up to the night before and say “please don’t tell me that dear, there are some things a mother shouldn’t know”.

I don’t think I really started to grow up until I was about twenty seven, between seventeen and twenty seven there were a lot of unpaid bills, shitty boyfriends, drinking and bad decisions. I was just very lucky that I was reasonably street smart and people kept employing me. I also had fantastic parents and the best girlfriends you could ask for. Somehow I managed to pull it all together, find a job that I loved, and a career that didn’t feel like work. I think the expression is ‘but there for the grace of God, go I”. I was very lucky.

When I look at the Little Travelers I wonder who they will be, and which path they will choose to get there. Naturally, I don’t want there to be bruising and scars – but I also don’t want it to be boring. There should always be things a mother shouldn’t know.

A few months ago I stumbled across a brutully and beautifully honest blog written by a woman called Eden. She’s had her issues, her grief and enough drama for a bad reality TV series and I LOVE HER.

I don’t think Eden was a Head Prefect.

“I’m so glad I’m not married to myself”

“I believe the broken people are the best kinds of people”

“I believe I was going to try really hard not to swear…but I can’t help it”

The Little Travelers haven’t listened to what Eden has said, but they have watched her dance about 350,000 times, I know this as I’m the one who has to find the exact point (4:55) so I can press play.

When we drive home from school now I am asked to play the “Eden” song.

There have been many plans to do a dance like Edens, but somehow the four Little Travelers can never quite agree on who is going to do what when. Last night as they sat around working on a puzzle, I turned on the stereo, opened the laptop, and watched while they all discovered it was recording. I had to mute the sound as there was a little bit of screaming going on. Here it is.

Oh, and a note to The Little Travelers incase you even happen to read this and think you’ve just found the perfect excuse to slack off. Everything I just said about me, well, your Father is the opposite. He doesn’t do irresponsible, it’s not in his repertoire.

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  1. Wow – thanks for turning us on to Eden.  Brutal honesty and transparency is so compelling.  It’s one of the things I enjoy about your blog, Kirsty.

  2. My kids think I’m mostly ridiculous and I wouldn’t have it any other way!  I’m with Eden that life is so hard and so serious… if I can show them it’s okay to be silly and laugh at themselves, what a great lesson!  As always – great post Kirsty.

  3. Carojacko says

    I am not sure I need to hear about real life today – had my fair share this afternoon! However, I think it is interesting about your ex-head prefect talking about peaking at school because I have quite a few friends from home (Australia) who I feel are still living schools – either through friends or their kids going to the same school – and that is their main topic of conversation.   I listen to my friends (mainly Australian and English) and they are all so school obsessed and I think “but that will be such a small part of their life in the grand scheme of things – what else do you want for your kids?”

  4. shamozal says

    thanks Jody, I agree. Bring on the ridiculous.

  5. I loved all the stuff going on in the background! And the daughter who has mastered the Eden bum wiggle. Much could be discerned about the Travellers personalities from that little performance. And then right at the end there you are headless, headless, joining in yourself. 
    I agree that the cracks are far more interesting. 

  6. Naturally Carol says

    Interesting read..I wouldn’t write people off for peaking in Year 12 though..after all there may be twin peaks in her life! We can’t be too cocky, we have no way of knowing the future.

  7. edenland says

    Oh. My God.

    I’m …. dumbstruck. Awed. Honoured. I LOVE YOUR CHILDREN.

    Kirsty I wept through that entire post. From recognition, from laughter. From your kind words.

    I need to go compose myself – swear to god. You just inspired me to go write a post this morning. I have so much to say to you …. THANK YOU FOR HAVING RIDICULOUS TWENTIES TOO. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one. The image of you and your hubby dancing at the end? Gold gold gold. Please tell all of your beautiful kids that Eden thinks they are FANTASTIC dancers. And to never stop dancing.

    I just googled Qatar – an Arab Emirate in the Middle East. So exotic. Definitely not in Kansas anymore.

    I will be back.


  8. Gina Baynham says

    I’ve just exhausted myself with belly laughs and tears and loud loud music thumping out of my computer into a house empty of kids, awaiting the cleaning fairy and instead there’s just me, watching, replaying and turning up the volume. And the final clip, you dancing. Precious! 

  9. shamozal says

    Absolutely, I’m hoping she had multiple peaks…oops sounds a bit rude (multiple peaks) doesn’t it?! It was only the ten year re-union and I didn’t make it to the twenty year to find out what happened next. 

    I have many friends that excelled at school/uni and had it all worked out very early in life.. In their cases, I don’t think they peaked early I think they’ve had many peaks.

    I hope it didn’t come across as cocky, I was just trying to be honest about how disastrous that time of my life was.

  10. Great post. This is what makes Eden so endearing and real for me. I mispent my adolescence. I feel like I’ve spent the rest of my life trying to get back on track, only to realise recently that I needed to go off the track to find myself.
    I think your kids have just the right combination between silly and serious.

  11. I was such a good girl in my youth. I had to turn bad when I was much older. Now I’m good again. Except the fucking tattoos won’t rub off!!!!!
    P.S. Have long loved Eden.

  12. Louiserasmussen24 says

    Great post as ALWAYS Kirsty. I best check out Edanland…
    Your gorgeous travellers are so adorable and what a keepsake. Love the little one, hogging the screen – and love the one getting tickeled on the lounge. Oh and the bum wiggle. And yes the finale couple dance 🙂 Thanks for sharing. xx

  13. Carol Henderson says

    Love your honesty and Eden’s. Miss you, Kirsty. That was a fun writing week. Have a fab trip with the little travelers and keep in touch.

  14. So much to love here, Kirsty! First of all – I think my youth and yours came from the same bottle shop…secondly – how gorgeous are your kids??? xxx

  15. Talesofataitai says

    They are the best 2 vlogs I have EVER seen!!! Your kids are beautiful and they brought such a massive smile to my face!!!!! Just made my day. Thanks so much xxxxx

  16. Just when I was feeling sorry for the Head Prefect (I know a few who peeked in high school, and life’s been tough trying to recapture a bit of the glory years), you hit me with Eden. You’re right. LOVE her! (The Little Travellers are adorable – careful or you’ll end up the mother of a few rock stars/groupies!)

  17. mrsalexhad says

    I was EXACTLY the same when I was younger.  I’m sure the words “…has potential but…” were often written on my report cards in highschool.
    And I am eternally grateful that facebook wasn’t around when I was in my club phase.  That would have involved a hell of a lot of deleting the next day. 

    Fave Eden quote – 
    “I believe I went crazy a few years ago and never completely came back.”
    Great song to dance to, too.

  18. I’ve been thinking about this a lot of late too. I am SO glad Facebook wasn’t around when I was younger. Or Twitter. The time I slept in a hallway at a party because I’d had waaaay too much to drink, is not an image I’d like plastered (for want of a better word) across the Internet. 

    I know a few girls that were hugely popular & pretty in school, and I think they peaked back then too. Life is interesting. 

    I LOVE Eden. Love her. She’s amazing. As are you kids! Fab. Your youngest reminds me of my 4yo! Cheeky.

  19. Just discovered your blog-hurrah!
    And you’ve just introduced me to Eden-double hurrah!

    Lovely post. Great to meet your wonderful family-your kids are so wonderfully typical of’s all look at me! and wiggly fingers. 
    Loads of fun-See? you haven’t really changed at all…

  20. I love your unique take on life.
    Yes, there are some things a mother should not know.

  21. Christine Gerber Rutt says

    Love that song! Who is it by?

  22. Miss Nancy Pants says

    Your blog is outstanding, Kirsty! and your children they are beautiful. Kids are little miracles.. ..and Eden, oh Eden how true that the broken people are the best kinds of people.

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